To find Assets on the Mobile App, tap the 'Assets' option on the homepage. This will default to showing the first 10 Assets, if the User wants to see more Assets, scroll down and a 'Tap to load more...' button will appear. Tap this to display more Assets.
To find specific assets the User can use the Filter function. Tapping the 'Filter' button in the top right corner will display a drop down of options.
Here are a list of the different filters:
Scan into building: Allows the User to scan a QR code for a Building which filters the Assets List down to only show those at the scanned Building
Filter by building - A search bar appears allowing the User to search for specific Buildings using either the Building Name or Building Number
Filter by equipment type - A search bar appears allowing the User to search for specific Equipment Types
Filter by status - Presents the user with a list of further filter options; for example, "In Service", "Isolated" and "Decommissioned". These options can be selected and deselected. Tapping 'Apply' applies these filters and presents the updated list:
To clear all filters in place, open the "Filter" menu, if filters have been applied then the 'Clear all filters' option will appear in black at the bottom of the list. Choosing this will remove the filters and return the list back to how it was originally.
Alternatively, whilst on the Asset list the User can tap the magnifying glass in the bottom left corner. This will display the Asset Search screen. Here the User will have the option to either manually type in an Asset Number or Scan the Asset Barcode by using the button displayed.