
Edit Asset

Tapping the "Edit Asset" button from the Actions menu, whilst on the Asset Details screen, will display the Edit Asset page:
To submit the changes made on this page simply tap the "Submit" button on the top right hand corner of the application. To discard any changes made, tap the "Back" button in the top left hand corner of the application.

Changing the Building

To change the Building tap the "(Change)" button next the to Building Name and Number. This will bring up a search bar at the top of the Edit Asset screen, type in the Building Number, or Name. This will change the Building to the desired Building.

Changing the Equipment Type

To change the Equipment Type, tap the "(Change)" button next the the current Equipment name, this will display a search bar. Begin to type the Equipment Type into the search bar and tap search. A drop down menu of items shall appear, if this is unpopulated an Equipment type matching the keywords entered does not exist. 

Changing the Location

To change the Location of the Asset, tap the "Location" or the ">" button at the end of the row. This will open the Select Location screen:
Either use the search facility to automatically populate some of the drop down menus, or use the drop down menus directly to choose the location. Any extra notes about the Location of the Assetcan be entered in the text box labelled "Any additional location information".
To submit these changes tap "Apply", to return back to the Edit Asset page.


To change the Details of an Asset, tap the "Details" heading, or the ">" button at the end of the row. This will bring up the Edit Asset Details screen:


Tapping the "Warranty" heading or the ">" button at the end of the row will open up the edit warranty page:
Tapping the "Yes" option, will enable the rest of the fields, please fill these in with the relevant information. Tapping the "No" option will remove the rest of the fields. Following the filling out of all fields, tap the "Apply" button in the top right hand corner of the screen, to return to the main Edit Asset page.