
Jobs Awaiting Actions

The Portal provides Users with the ability to view any jobs that are currently awaiting further information, such as certificates, meter readings, jobs requiring waste collection, jobs awaiting re-valuation and quote reviews from the Home page. This is shown in the "Jobs Awaiting Actions" widget. The number of jobs awaiting certificates, meter readings, waste collection, re-valuation and quote review are shown in the widget and, much like "My Site Compliance", by clicking the selecting an item (highlighted in blue) the corresponding list are displayed, restricted to the Users site(s).
A couple of examples can be seen below: after clicking the jobs "Awaiting Certificates" list, a list of jobs that are currently awaiting certificates to be added are displayed. Each job has a variety of different details just like the "Awaiting Actions" list (see "Awaiting Actions" page for more information). Selecting a job from this list will display the Job Detail page in which the additional information can be provided.
After clicking the jobs "Meter Readings" list, a list of jobs that are currently awaiting meter readings to be added are displayed. Each job has a variety of different details just like the "Awaiting Actions" list (see "Awaiting Actions" page for more information). Selecting a job from this list will display the Job Detail page in which the additional information can be provided.